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Our Junior School welcomes boys from Years 0 to 2 (ages 5–6)

Lay strong foundations for your son’s educational journey with a curriculum that develops important fundamental knowledge and skills, while stimulating a love of learning and a genuine care for others.


A rich curriculum grounded in structured literacy and numeracy programmes awaits our students with Christian Education, Te Reo Māori, French, Music, Physical Education and TACT (The Arts and Creative Technologies) taught by specialist teachers from day one.  

Students learn to read and write through our comprehensive structured literacy programme, and our Singaporean approach to mathematics ensures a sound understanding of number that underpins future learning. Topic studies linked to Science and Social Science help our boys make sense of the world around them and provide opportunities from cross-curricular links. Our balanced curriculum provides many opportunities for boys to discover areas of interest, both in traditional and innovative settings. 

Home-school partnerships are important to us, and there are many opportunities for whānau to be involved in their son’s schooling. Morning family reading sessions allow parents to connect, and class trips provide opportunities for families to share in the wonders of learning. 

Extracurricular activities are also available:  basketball, cricket, football, and tennis. 

Fostering Creativity 

Our TACT (The Arts and Creative Technologies) programme is introduced right from the start of school, and provides balance to the traditional academic rigour of core-curriculum subjects. Our boys are exposed to the wonders of technology and are encouraged to express themselves through many artistic and musical opportunities.  

Visual Art plays a big part in the Junior School classroom, and our classroom displays reflect the variety of artistic techniques introduced to compliment learning in all curriculum areas. This creative outlet sets the stage for future artistic endeavours. 

Igniting the Performing Arts

Junior School students experience a weekly programme packed with singing and movement, playing and early music literacy. In each class the boys build their confidence exploring, recreating and creating music and growing their essential music skills for later instrumental tuition. They follow an Orff philosophy using percussion instruments as well as body percussion and vocal patterns alongside the Jellybeans percussion programme which encourages rhythm notation reading and playing together.  

Growing Tomorrow’s Athletes

Outstanding facilities and dedicated coaching staff set the scene for an exceptional Physical Education programme.  

In Physical Education, our boys learn fundamental skills, through a variety of fun sports and activities, the aims of which are to develop confidence and instil a love of physical activity. The programme focuses on developing stamina, agility, coordination and balance. Swimming, athletics, cross country, and ball skills related to major sports codes are all available.  

Our Jubilee Sports Centre, an outdoor astro turf (hockey and tennis), and nearby sand-based playing fields (rugby, cricket, and football) are home base for our programme.  

A heated outdoor swimming pool and a learners’ pool sit in a leafy setting at the heart of the campus. More detail is available here  <Link to Facilities> 

Growing Tomorrow’s Minds

We take education outside the classroom (EOTC) seriously, acquainting students with cross-curricular activities that enhance their understanding of the world. These experiences reinforce classroom learning and foster curiosity. Trips include visits to the Auckland Art Gallery, Zoo and Botanical Gardens. 

We also host a variety of engaging experiences within the school, including visits from the police, St. John, and the fire brigade, as well as speakers, storytellers, and performers. In the Junior School, we nurture the development of lifelong skills that transcend traditional subject boundaries.  

Developing a strong service ethic towards fellow students, family, community and beyond is a vital component of a Saint Kentigern education and our commitment to service begins in the Junior School, with a focus on ‘Service in the Home’. Find out more here <Link to Building Character>   

Enhanced Learning

Saint Kentigern Boys’ School teachers and specialists aim to give each student the very best opportunity to achieve to his academic potential.  

We work closely with teachers, parents, outside agencies and our wider community. We provide a wrap-around service for our students that involves individual or small group tuition at a Tier 1 and 2 level, and in-class support.  We also support teachers to cater effectively for students with Specific Learning Needs in their classrooms and liaise closely with the pastoral care team.  

After careful assessment and identification, students with specific learning difficulties may be tutored and monitored by our Learning Support teachers, who stay in close contact with the classroom teacher’s programmes. Assistance will vary according to the student’s individual needs.