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Our Junior School welcomes girls Years 0 to 3 (ages 5–7).

We believe in the potential of young women to change the world for good as they grow. Education for children aged 5-7 years is a pivotal stage that lays the foundation for lifelong learning and development. The early years are a time to foster cognitive, emotional, and physical growth, ensuring that children develop the ability to think critically, solve problems, and express themselves effectively.

Engaging, age-appropriate activities enhance creativity and curiosity, growing enthusiastic and confident learners. Social skills are honed through collaborative play, structured classroom interactions and specialist subjects, which teach the importance of empathy, cooperation, and communication. We also believe in celebrating individuality and offering diverse opportunities encompassing academics, arts, and sports to ensure each girl thrives on her unique learning journey.

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Our skilled educators harness the excitement and energy of our junior girls in their delivery of the foundational subjects: mathematics, reading, and writing. This period is critical for the development of fundamental skills such as literacy, numeracy, and social interaction. Our explicit and structured approach in addition to our class sizes mean that all girls’ learning needs are catered for in a differentiated environment, ensuring that every child has the opportunity to succeed. By also encouraging beyond-academic excellence to include practical, physical, and cultural participation through our SPARK programme (vertically-structured design-based integrated learning), we broaden students’ horizons and spur new passions.

We also introduce technology in a protected environment. Students in Years 0 to 2 access iPads at a 1:2 ratio, progressing to laptops in Year 3. Via our protected wireless network, students and teachers collaborate and share in real time. 

Fostering Creativity

Our Junior School offers contemporary visual-art learning in our art room on the second level of the custom-built, ‘Maker Space’, in addition to our specialist Visual Art space in the Specialist block. These collaborative areas are equipped with everything a budding young creative needs to pursue their chosen medium, including paint, pastel, print, and clay sculpture. An in-house kiln fires our clay creations of various three-dimensional shapes.  

Art learning unfolds progressively, building on prior knowledge, creating connections, and expanding skills and understanding. 

Student artwork is proudly displayed year-round.

Igniting the Arts  

The arts are a canvas for expressing creative talents and cultivating confidence, perseverance, and teamwork. Music, speech and drama offer numerous opportunities for expression, total immersion, and growth.  

Our itinerant music programme is available to all students and delivered by our specialised educators. Many girls are passionate about singing, and we have a percussion group, opportunities for Orchestra, a choral group, and Vox Box for Year 3–5 singers which holds weekly rehearsals.  

Students derive immense value from speechmaking and the dramatic arts. To prepare, perform, and hone their writing and delivery skills, every student enjoys a weekly lesson as part of our core curriculum. Every year the Junior School holds a Poetry Showcase, to highlight the girls’ skills in writing as well as reciting original poetry and published poetry works. 

Growing Tomorrow's Athletes

Our girls enjoy a wide array of sports. All codes are led by dedicated teaching and coaching staff, creating a platform for exploration, fitness, and fun.

Athletics, ball skills for all major codes, cross country, flippa ball, football, gymnastics – artistic and rhythmic, netball, swimming, and tennis ensure there is a sport for every girl.

In our Sports Programme we also introduce game play for different sports every term such as hockey, football, basketball, netball, mini polo tennis softball and cricket. This gives the girls an early introduction to a game where the emphasis is on game play rather than skill learning exclusively. 

Developing self-management and teamwork skills combined with dedication can lead to participation in our House relays as well as inter-school and sports association competitions.

Developing Courage & Confidence through Education Outside The Classroom – EOTC 

We firmly believe in exposing our girls to opportunities outside the traditional classroom setting. With qualified instructors and well-structured, challenging programmes, students can expect to embrace opportunities they might otherwise never encounter. 

EOTC may take the form of service, visits to museums and galleries, nature and cultural visits, or even short camps. Through this experiential learning, students connect academic knowledge in more relevant and meaningful ways, where the experience becomes the practical application of their education. EOTC builds independence and self-confidence as students’ triumph in the face of new challenges.

These meticulously planned excursions happen at specific times during the year.

Enhanced Learning

We’re committed to meeting students’ specific educational needs, and our teachers continuously evaluate our girls’ performance to tailor teaching methods accordingly.  

Although our small class sizes typically cater to girls’ individual needs, we provide enhanced learning support within the classroom or through our Unique Pathways programme.  

The level of assistance will vary based on the students’ needs. Parents are actively involved and receive regular updates on their child’s progress.