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Girls' School

Reflections from the Head Girls on International Women’s Day

08 March 2024

Reflections from the Head Girls on International Women’s Day

March 08, 2024 at 11:28 AM

Pioneering as the first country to give women the right to vote, New Zealand has continued over the years to make steady progress in empowering women. This International Women’s Day, we asked the Head Prefects of our Girls’ School and College to share their aspirations for the year. We hope you find encouragement in their words, and that they inspire you to discover your own purpose and goals.

College Head Girl, Katelyn Quay-Chin

 “Beautiful is the woman who knows people, places, and things don't define her. She is defined by her acts of loving kindness and a generous heart.”

These famous words by Michael Chatman encompass the way I desire to live. They are profound as they are universal and something each of us can draw wisdom from. I believe that successes in our lives are more than tangible achievements and accolades but rather about how we positively impact others.

I know the times I’ve felt most cared for is when others were intentional to implement acts of gratitude and kindness. A personal example that I keep coming back to, happened during a difficult season in my life. I had fractured my ankle taking me completely out of training and my coach frequently gave up his work lunch breaks to assist me in my rehabilitation. My coach’s thoughtfulness and dedication  gave me hope of a future recovery during what was a tough season.

This intentional act of kindness could be giving someone a compliment, a smile or simply just being a good listener to a close friend. I have found that gratitude shifts  perspective from myself to others and results in a deep empathy.

To put these words into practice, this year I am taking time to pause in the chaos of life to not just notice but truly appreciate others. I have seen how the simplest acts of kindness or words of affirmation can have a lasting impact, and together we can do so much more to let people know they are appreciated and valued.

Perhaps we can start with the female influences in our lives -  let’s make sure our mothers, nanas, sisters, friends and teachers know how much we care for them. I know that so much of who I am and what I’ve been able to accomplish today is credited to the investment of so many caring women in my life.

Girls’ School Head Girl, Farrah Palmer

One of my goals of being Head Girl this year is to continue to spread kindness and to inspire others to try new things even when the challenge makes them feel uneasy.

My dad often reminds me to have a kind heart, and a strong head. It is our family motto, and something I hold close to my heart.

I’ve learnt that kind heart is about the way I treat others – family, friends, and animals, especially those in need. This sparked the idea of ‘Fun Friday with Farrah’, a programme I started two years ago for new Year 0 and 1 students at the Girls’ School. I wanted to ensure all new girls made new friends and had opportunities to help them grow in confidence.  Once a week, over lunchtime, I bring the girls together and we play games, enjoy fun activities and engage in little challenges. This programme has given our new junior girls something fun to look forward to each week, and have an older student they can rely on. I’ve seen that kindness costs nothing, yet the impact is priceless.

Having a strong head is about stepping outside my comfort zone. Last year, I challenged myself to audition for the lead role in our school production, Annie. I had never performed in a production before, never sung a solo, and had never tried acting! However, I believed in myself and challenged myself to step outside my comfort zone. I was surprised to land the role and through the experience discovered new found talent! It would have been easy to stay within the confines of what felt safe and comfortable, but I’ve found that true growth and success lies just beyond those boundaries.

Each of us has the power to make a difference and to leave a positive impact. I hope that by simply living with a kind heart, and a strong head, I can inspire others to be kind to the people around them and to embrace every opportunity that comes their way.