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The Saint Kentigern Trust Board and Leadership Team have developed a long-term strategy for our family of schools to ensure we continue to deliver excellent education to all our students for current and future generations. Building Saint Kentigern’ is the strategy for excellence built on three strands.


Statement of Intent

Setting Clear Educational Aspirations

The Statement of Intent states our vision, objectives and how success will be measured.


The Statement of Intent establishes core ideas which will shape Saint Kentigern’s future. It leads with our founding Mission. In addition to the inspiration from our faith and beliefs which sits at its heart, we have the Guiding Principles that say how we will act and the Strategic Pillars, which say what we will focus on, all encircled by our Values.

To these, we are fortunate to add the advantage of key strategic enablers with our fine teaching and nonteaching staff cohort, our significant resources, sound financial management over a long period of time and our ongoing investment in leading teaching and learning systems and technology.

I acknowledge and thank everyone who has been involved in our many discussions  including our students, staff, senior leadership, alumni and donor community.

Dr Kevin Morris
Executive Trustee


Business Excellence

Ensuring Best Practice in Resourcing and Delivering on Our Aspirations

The Business Excellence defines how we aim to improve our business operations.


Our Business Excellence philosophy ensures the best practice in resourcing and delivering on our aspirations.

We all want to do great work. What we need is the enabling structure, environment and culture, to achieve this.  Our Business Excellence philosophy is unashamedly about excellence. It is about creating great habits in the way we lead, work, communicate and interact.  It is about responding to change, learning from mistakes and continuously improving. It is about creating the very best future for Saint Kentigern, our students and staff.

Merle Boniface
BCom (Honours)
Chief Operating Officer


Master Plan

Ensuring we have the Right Facilities to Meet Our Aspirations

The Master Plan maps out the vision for making the best use of our considerable physical resources while staying true to the Saint Kentigern values we all share.