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Personal Information and Privacy

Saint Kentigern Privacy Statement

This is the privacy statement of Saint Kentigern Trust Board, Saint Kentigern College, Saint Kentigern Boys’ School, Saint Kentigern Girls’ School, and Saint Kentigern Preschool (together, Saint Kentigern).   

It explains what personal information is collected by Saint Kentigern (including via its staff) about members of the school community (students, parents/guardians, volunteers, alumni, visitors and other individuals), why it is needed, how it is used, and with whom it is shared.   

It also explains how members of the Saint Kentigern community can request or correct their information. 

There is a separate section setting what personal information Saint Kentigern collects about its staff, and how this information is used and shared. 

Saint Kentigern may update this privacy statement from time to time, for example to reflect changes to the Privacy Act. 

Date of this privacy statement: September 2024

In Summary:

  • Saint Kentigern only collects the personal information necessary to meet our lawful purposes, including as required by the Education Act
  • Saint Kentigern takes reasonable steps to protect the personal information it is responsible for
  • Saint Kentigern uses and share personal information in the ways set out in this statement, and only ever to meet its lawful purposes
  • Saint Kentigern community members have the right to request a copy of the personal information held about them, and/or request it be corrected

What Personal Information Does Saint Kentigern collect? 

Saint Kentigern collects a very broad range of personal information about students and other members of the school community.  The information Saint Kentigern may collect includes:

  • Personal details, including name, contact information, age, gender, and ethnicity
  • Academic history
  • Health information
  • Information about academic performance
  • Information about student behaviour and welfare, including family circumstances
  • Attendance records
  • Information about family/whānau and emergency contacts
  • Photographs, audio, video or other media (for example during school trips or activities)
  • CCTV footage (we use CCTV cameras on school premises for safety and security purposes, but not in private areas such as toilets or changing rooms)
  • Information about use of Saint Kentigern digital resources and web portals, collected using log files or cookies

How Does Saint Kentigern Use Personal Information? 

Saint Kentigern’s primary purpose for collecting personal information is to deliver educational services. To do this personal information is used in the ways set out below. Where Saint Kentigern needs to use information in a way not anticipated here, the information will only be used if required or permitted by law or with consent.

Saint Kentigern uses personal information to:

  • Provide educational and related services to our students
  • Look after student educational, social and medical wellbeing and safety
  • Communicate with a students’ parents, guardians or whānau about their education and wellbeing
  • Ensure the safety of our staff, volunteers, contractors, and visitors to our school campus
  • Manage and administer the schools, including in respect of its alumni
  • Conduct marketing and communications activities (for Saint Kentigern, not third parties), manage events, and seek donations
  • Meet the requirements of the Education Act and other legislation, including reporting requirements, and
  • For any other purposes that would be reasonably expected and are permitted by law.

When Does Saint Kentigern Share Personal Information? 

Saint Kentigern needs to share personal information in order to meet the purposes set out above. In all cases, Saint Kentigern only ever discloses the minimum amount of personal information required to meet our purposes. 

Sharing to Deliver Educational Services 

Saint Kentigern share information about students and other community members to deliver educational services.  This might include information about academic performance, reports, information about student behaviour, information required for planning school trips or events, or statistical information for reporting purposes.

Saint Kentigern may share this information with parents, guardians, or whānau; volunteers; other schools (including overseas schools for student exchanges); Ministry of Education; or external service providers. 

Sharing to Keep Students Safe and Well

Information about student health and wellbeing is generally only accessed by our health and counselling staff, who are subject to additional medical ethics obligations. However, sometimes, Saint Kentigern may need to share sensitive information about our students or community members to keep people safe. 

This might include health information, information about student wellbeing, information about bullying, or any concerns about a student’s family circumstances (including perceived risks of family violence).

This is always a difficult decision to be made, as Saint Kentigern may need to share personal information at these times against the wishes of a student. Saint Kentigern always approach these decisions with care, and in the best interests of the student concerned.

Saint Kentigern may share this information with parents, guardians, or whānau; health agencies; police; Oranga Tamariki; or other government agencies.

Sharing to Promote our School

Saint Kentigern is proud of its schools and its community. This means that Saint Kentigern wants to share its achievements and the achievements of its students, to promote Saint Kentigern, grow Saint Kentigern’s enrolment numbers, and raise the funds needed to deliver an exceptional educational experience.

For these purposes, Saint Kentigern might share student work, student profiles, alumni profiles and career stories, or photographs and video footage of student trips or activities. At the time of enrolment and/or later in the school journey, Saint Kentigern provide students and their parents with the ability to opt out of this type of information sharing if they are concerned about it. The School also takes care to ensure that no information is shared about any students about whom there are safety concerns.

Saint Kentigern may share this information: on its website; on the social media sites used by the school; in promotional materials, such as advertisements, brochures and prospectuses; and in our community publications.

How Does Saint Kentigern Handle Staff Personal Information? 

Saint Kentigern also collects a broad range of personal information about its staff (i.e. employees, contractors, board members, volunteers, and job applicants).   

Staff Personal Information Collected: We collect personal information directly from staff, as well as from third parties with consent.  We also generate information about staff in the course of their work with us. 

The types of personal information we collect about staff will depend on the context but can include:

  • Personal details (such as name, age, contact information, photograph, gender, ethnicity, emergency contact information) 
  • Education and work history, including job references, information about the right to work in NZ and relevant criminal record information
  • Performance and professional development related information, including about complaints and disciplinary matters 
  • Relevant health information (including about any disabilities that may impact employment or Saint Kentigern’s health and safety obligations)
  • Payroll related information such as bank, tax, and superannuation details, as well as information about remuneration, benefits and leave
  • Other information that is relevant to employment such as police vetting information, credit checks, or driver licence details
  • Information generated by using Saint Kentigern IT systems (including location information) and recorded via CCTV on school grounds

Using Staff Personal Information: Saint Kentigern uses staff personal information to fulfil employment obligations and legal requirements, as well as for general school administration purposes.  These uses include deciding whether to employ someone, managing the employment relationship, managing our health and safety obligations to the school community, and investigating incidents relating to disciplinary matters or complaints.

Sharing Staff Personal Information: Information may be shared internally and externally with individuals or entities for the above purposes.  We may share information externally with financial institutions (such as banks and insurers), government agencies (such as Inland Revenue and the Ministry of Education), unions and emergency services. 

How Does Saint Kentigern Protect Personal Information? 

Saint Kentigern stores personal information electronically (on secure systems or platforms, including cloud platforms) or in hardcopy (in a secure physical location, including lockable cabinets). Saint Kentigern may use third-party service providers to store and process personal information for us, some of which may store or process information overseas.  Before we use any such third party service providers we take steps to ensure they will appropriately protect the personal information we are trusting them with.   

Saint Kentigern retains personal information only for as long as it has a lawful purpose to use it, and the information is securely destroy or de-identified when no longer needed. Saint Kentigern follows Ministry of Education records retention and disposal guidelines, and generally retain personal information about a student for no more than 7 years after their enrolment with Saint Kentigern has ended, though some information might be retained  (like name and contact information) for longer if a lawful purpose to use it exists (e.g. alumni networks) or the information is in the public domain (e.g. school publications and awards).

Saint Kentigern takes all reasonable steps to protect personal information from loss, misuse, or unauthorised access or disclosure, including when we use third party service providers.  Saint Kentigern ensures only authorised staff or volunteers can access electronic platforms or physical storage, and that they access only the personal information they need to perform their functions.

How Do Community Members Access or Correct Their Information?

All community members – students, alumni, staff, parents or guardians, or visitors – have the right to request a copy of the personal information we hold about them, or to ask Saint Kentigern to correct it if they think it’s wrong. 

If you would like to make a request for access or correction, or to raise any privacy related issue, please contact Saint Kentigern’s Privacy Officer: 

If you have a privacy complaint, please let us know and we will do our best to resolve it. Please refer to the Office of the Privacy Commissioner’s website ( for additional information about privacy and your privacy rights.