Our Mission Statement: At Saint Kentigern, we strive for excellence in all areas of life for the glory of God and in the service of others.
Christian Education
Our Christian Education program aims to help each boy achieve their potential and prepare for life’s challenges through engaging, relevant, and inquiry-based learning. This approach fosters personal reflection, critical thinking, and practical application of Biblical principles.
For the Glory of God…
Chapel Life
Chapel services are a weekly highlight where we celebrate student birthdays, recognise acts of service, and incorporate waiata and karakia. The Chaplaincy team delivers engaging messages that connect Biblical stories with life, reinforcing our values and character development. Special events like House Family Chapels, Founders Day, Anzac Day, Matariki, Easter, and Christmas are also celebrated.
Te Pou o te Rīpeka
Te Pou o te Rīpeka is a contemplative space honouring individuals who embody Saint Kentigern’s values of respect, integrity, service, excellence, and love. Central to this space is a marble Celtic cross, symbolising our Presbyterian heritage.