Our Robotics and Engineering strands of TACT are designed to inspire young minds from Year 3 onwards, guiding them through a series of progressively challenging programming and engineering tasks. Our boys explore various platforms as they advance through the year groups, nurturi creative thinking and problem-solving skills. We emphasise that there are multiple ways to solve a problem, encouraging both individualised solutions and openness to diverse outcomes.
In our well-equipped robotics labs, boys have the opportunity to work alone or with a partner as they start learning programming. They begin with Scratch in Year 4 and move on to Gamefruit by Year 6. Initially, they learn simple programming skills, like making objects move in straight lines or turns. As they progress, they will explore more advanced ideas, like using special command functions, and variables, which are used to store and change information in their programs. By the end of our programme, students can use these skills to create their own games.
Our programme integrates seamlessly into the school day, with additional extra-curricular options available for those with a keen interest. Our budding engineers start their problem-solving journey using EPro8 kits, where they collaboratively tackle engineering challenges. These projects, ranging from simple hands-on tasks to advanced technological endeavours, not only strengthen their understanding of stability and structural integrity but also enhance their communication skills as they test and refine their ideas.
From cut-and-glue projects to more sophisticated technological creations, our programme ensures there’s something for every aspiring engineer and programmer.